

主演:陈锦鸿 陈芷菁 珈颍 黎耀祥 吴廷烨 黎思嘉 张锦 




故事始自1978年,香港共有「红视」、「艺星」、「佳励」三间电视台,当时 「艺星」电视台势甚弱,面对两个强大对手,随时有倒闭的可能。而来自「电 视迷世家」的方绍龙 (陈锦鸿饰) 一心想跟随在「红视」任编剧的大哥方绍强 (黎耀祥饰) 一起工作,但却阴差阳错的考入了「艺星」当助导,还遭一直支持 大台「红视」的家人不屑一顾。  而龙在机缘巧合下遇上改变他一生的电视奇才霍伟良 (吴廷烨饰) ,从此不 断周旋于?权夺利的电视台战局中,虽换来师徒裂,兄弟反目的代价,却令 他成为电视史上代表新势力的风云人物。  然而事业上的高潮起伏,亦正好是方绍龙在感情路上的写照,生命中三个 不同性格的女人 (陈芷菁、珈颖、黎思嘉饰),分别与他谱出三段刻骨铭心的 爱情故事,可歌可泣。  第一集  六十年代始,电视行业进入黄金时期,「看电视」成重要娱兴节目。方绍强与方绍龙两兄弟自幼对电视...




  • 竹篱清茶:刚刚
  • 沙发熊:7分钟前
    Ⅲ 求一部欧美电影 剧情不记得了 男主角长头发 像个武士 最后把自己的武器双刀或是双剑拼在一起杀敌
  • 凝二少:7分钟前
    你好大地惊雷 True Gr(2010)因父亲被害,14岁的玛蒂·罗斯回到了史密斯堡,作为长女代表家人处理后事。
  • 溪谷月夜千影:2分钟前
  • 捷殿:3分钟前
    罗马假日英文观后感 Tstory about a young princess (公主) (Hepburn) namAnn, making a goodwill (善意的) tour of Europe's capitals Stirof tresponsibility (职责) and demanof trole shas beborn to and lonto experience tevery day pleasurof an ordinary person Rome sfinally rebels Waiting untafteveryone tembassy (大使馆) where hparty staying has gone to sleep, sslips out a window and finherself alone on tstreets of RomSfound by Joe Bradl(Peck), a harden(坚毅的) and somewhat cynical (愤世 嫉俗的) reporter, on hway home from a late nigcard gamNot knowing wsbut seeing that shas no place to stay takpity on hand invithto hapartment for tnight a comical (滑稽的) scenoffers paof hpajamas (睡衣) and points to tcouch where scan sleep Innocent (天真的) aristocrat (贵族) that sis, sasks for a nightgown and help undressinBradlhelps htake ohtand thleavtroom Whreturns a fminutlatdiscovers hsound asleon tbeleaving htcouch (沙发) Leaving hsleeping tnext morninBradlshows up late for work and trito covhimself by saying that had an intervi(采访) with tprincess But heditor shows ha newspapwith hpicture and headline stating that swas takill tnigbefore and cancelall appointments (安排) for tday Bradlimmediately realizwhas hapartment and gets teditor to agrto pay $5,000 can real interviwith tprincess On tway out Bradlcontacts a photograph(摄影师) frienIrving Radovich (Albert) and arrangfor hto mhlatwith hcamera for a bscoop Returning to hapartment, Bradlpicks up tprincess for theplanntour of tcity Bradley's real ato gtpicturand story promis(答应) heditor But tinnocent charm of tprincess softens hand ttwo start to fall lovThend up having a good time and some comical adventur(冒险) Bradlconceals tfact that a reportwknows wsreally and sdoesn't tell hthat that sa royal princess But tend ttruth comout and tprincess realizthat hty to hcountry and family come first and sreluctantly (不情愿地) returns to hofficial rolTtwo mebriefly at tend ring hpress conference with othreporters SaddressBradlas Mr Bradljust like tothers As leavinBradley, quietly slips htphotos that hfriend Irving had takand lets hknow that hstory and picturof thetime togethwill nevbe publish(公布) Tcharming AudrHepburn plays a modern princess wtaka day on RomSmeets up with reportPeck and wise-cracking photographAlbert Peck and Hepburn fall lovthouPeck plans to sell an "exclusive story with tprincess" Roman Holiday a fun romantcomedy, but stays realist(现实) with its commentary on society and royalty Roman Holiday Thanks to some recommendations from my frien, I have recently enjoylots of nice films And last week, tfilm ‘Roman Holiday’ has impressme a lot As a remarkable work tfilm history, thfilm really worth watchincan be summarizsuch a delightful story (Thmay be a spoilerJ): Princess Annwwas performby AudrHepburn, was getting borwith hrestrictschele whswas on a publiciztour to RomOne night, ssneakout of hluxurious residence and fell asleon a publbench central RomHowever, swas found by Joe Bradley, an American newspapreporter, wwas performby Gregory Peck Joe took hhome without knowing wstruly was Anyway, was subject to make a bfortune by secretly intervitprincess whttruth turnout But instead of that, aftshowing Ann around tcity and having a good time with her, forchimself to say farewell to her, for kntromance betwethoughtn’t to be happenbecause of thegreat difference standinevthouthhad falllove with each other Tend of tromantfilm really disappointing to most of taudiencthouougto be imaginat first However, AudrHepburn had successfully performAnn as a naughty, naive and sweangel, wordera glass of expensive champagne without thinkinwcuriously had hfirst cigarettwfell love with a poor but kind man, and wfinally firmly returnto tplace shateonly because of hresponsibility Swas really charming and graceful, not only from hinnocent eyand expressions, but also from hparticular character
  • 鸡发:7小时前
    别惹佐汉 You Don't Mess with tZohan (2008)
  • 晋瑜:5小时前
  • 华凝嫣:小时前
  • 撒旦之手:8小时前
    该结构与地面成 80 度角,对于认为它正在坠落的不知情的游客来说,这是一个非常壮观的景象。
  • 时间的尘埃:1天前


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